Hip Strain
Treatment for Hip Flexor Pain in Kansas City, MO
A hip strain is when one of the muscles in the hip area is stretched or strained beyond what it’s capable of handling. A strain can range from mild to medium to severe, depending on how badly you have damaged the affected muscle. Your hip flexor muscles, abductor tendons, hamstring tendons, adductors, quadriceps, and gluteals are all muscles you can damage in the hip area. However, a hip strain most often refers to straining one of your hip flexors.
Symptoms of a Hip Flexor Strain
You don’t realize how much you use your hips until you pull a muscle in the hip area. You’ll struggle to walk, stand, and move about with a strained hip. You’ll also feel weakness, tenderness, swelling, and pain in the affected area.
Causes of hip strains
Hip strains can be the result of a wide variety of things. However, hip strains are often caused by one of two things – wear and tear/overuse or a sudden, acute injury. Acute injuries to the hip can be caused by falling or hitting your hip against a hard object. They can also be caused by overstretching your hip or making a sudden movement while playing sports.
Hip strains are common in the elderly and athletes. Athletes often suffer from overuse or a sudden blow, while the elderly most often sustain hip strains through falls or wear and tear. Either way, hip strains are extremely painful and should be treated immediately.
Hip Strain Treatment Options and Recovery Time
If you suffer a hip strain, your best course of action is to make an appointment with an orthopedic surgeon and let them examine the injury. They will be able to determine the extent of the injury and provide a course of treatment.
While they’re called orthopedic surgeons, they will often seek courses of treatment outside of surgery. There are plenty of home remedies and therapeutic options for hip strains unless the injury is too severe and can only be fixed via surgical measures.
Home Remedies
Mild to medium strains can often be repaired with a home remedy. However, you should consult your surgeon to advise you as to what your best course of treatment is. If they recommend the non-surgical path, your home remedy will likely include the following.
Rest for the first few days and avoid using your hip at all.
Apply ice packs to the injury for 20 minutes, several times a day, to reduce swelling.
Compress and elevate the injury to reduce swelling and keep blood flowing to the affected area.
Your orthopedic surgeon may also recommend exercises and physical therapy to assist you in your recovery.
Surgical Options for Hip Strain
If you’ve suffered a severe hip strain where the muscle is badly torn, you’ll likely require surgery to make a full recovery. Surgery to repair a hip strain usually involves reattaching the muscle to the proper areas and isn’t an overly complicated or serious operation.
A skilled orthopedic surgeon at Ortho of KC will have you on the path to recovery as quickly as possible. We will know if you require surgery, physical therapy, home remedies, or a combination of several of these options. If you’ve suffered a hip strain, contact us today to make an appointment so that we can assess the injury and go over your options.
Hip Strain Doctors
If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, please contact Orthopedic Health of Kansas City and make an appointment with one of our Kansas City hip and pelvis specialists. They will perform a complete examination, diagnosing and ultimately treating any problem. From simple physical therapy to complicated surgery, you’re in good hands with Orthopedic Health of Kansas City and we will do what it takes to get you active again.

John Eggers, M.D., Ph.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hip, Knee & Total Joint Reconstruction

Jeffrey Krempec, M.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hip, Knee & Total Joint Reconstruction

Zachary Roberts, M.D.
Specializing in Trauma and injuries of the Hip & Knee

Christopher L. Wise, M.D.
Specializing in Trauma and injuries of the Hip & Knee