Hip Bursitis
Hip Bursitis Treatment in Kansas City, MO
What is Hip Bursitis?
Bursitis is an inflammation of the bursa, which are small, jelly-like sacs that are all over the body. They hold a small amount of fluid and are placed between bones and soft tissues to help reduce friction. Two big bursae in the hip commonly get irritated and swollen.
Symptoms of Hip Bursitis
Pain at the point of the hip
Pain that extends to the outside of the leg
In the beginning stages, pain is severe and sharp
Later on, the pain becomes more like an ache
Pain is worse at night when laying down on the affected side
Hip Bursitis Treatment
The first step in treating hip bursitis is not hip surgery. Many people with hip bursitis can feel better by making simple changes to their lives, such as:
Activity changes
Over-the-counter medications to help with pain and inflammation
Use assistive devices like a walker, cane, or crutches
Physical therapy is important to help strengthen the hip joint and muscles around it, as well as to learn stretches to do at home to help with flexibility
Steroid injections can help temporarily relieve pain and inflammation
Hip bursitis rarely needs surgery. If the bursa is still painful and swollen after you have tried all non-surgical treatments, your doctor may suggest that the bursa be removed surgically
Hip Bursitis Surgery Recovery
The hip doesn’t hurt when the bursa is taken out, and can still function well without it. You can expect to get better quickly after surgery.
The evening after surgery is a good time to be up and moving around and most people find it helpful to use a cane or crutches for a few days. Most of the time, the pain from surgery only lasts a few days.
How to Prevent Hip Bursitis
Even though you can’t always avoid hip bursitis, there are things you can do to prevent the inflammation from getting worse.
- Avoid doing things over and over that put stress on your hips
- If you need to, lose weight
- If your legs are different lengths, get a shoe insert that fits well
- Keep the muscles in your hips strong and flexible
Hip Bursitis Care in Kansas City
If you have any of the above symptoms, call Orthopedic Health of Kansas City to schedule an appointment with one of our hip and pelvis specialists in Kansas City. We will make sure you get back on your feet and back to enjoying the things you love.

John Eggers, M.D., Ph.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hip, Knee & Total Joint Reconstruction

Jeffrey Krempec, M.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hip, Knee & Total Joint Reconstruction

Zachary Roberts, M.D.
Specializing in Trauma and injuries of the Hip & Knee

Christopher L. Wise, M.D.
Specializing in Trauma and injuries of the Hip & Knee