Tennis Elbow
Tennis Treatment in Kansas City, MO | Lateral Epicondylitis
What is Tennis Elbow?
Tennis elbow is a painful condition that occurs when tendons in the elbow are overloaded, usually caused by overuse by repetitive motions of the arm and wrist. Not only does this affect athletes, but many people who have jobs that mimic these motions also tend to have this injury come up.
Symptoms of Tennis Elbow
Shake hands or grip an object
Turn and doorknob
Hold a cup
Treatment for Tennis Elbow
Tennis elbow is one of those injuries that may get better on its own. However, if the common RICE therapy method and over-the-counter pain medications do not help after some time, it may be time to look into more options.
Below are some more treatment options available for patients with tennis elbow:
- Physical therapy. A physical therapist can help teach you exercises to gradually stretch and strengthen the muscles, especially those of the forearm.
- Surgery. After six to twelve months of extensive, non-surgical, treatments that do not help get rid of or reduce the pain of tennis elbow, it may be time to consider surgery to remove damaged tissue.
- Injections. There are many different injection treatments available to help tennis elbow, including:
Platelet-rich plasma
Dry needling
Tennis Elbow Doctors in Kansas City
If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, please contact Orthopedic Health of Kansas City and make an appointment with one of our Kansas City arm and elbow specialists.

Jeffrey M. Bradley, M.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hand, Wrist, Elbow & Shoulder

Michael A. Boin, MD
Specializing in injuries of the Shoulder & Elbow

Erich J. Lingenfelter M.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Shoulder & Elbow

Paul F. Nassab, M.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hand, Wrist, Elbow & Shoulder

Andrew J. Taiber, M.D.
Specializing in injuries of the Hand, Wrist & Elbow