Forearm Fractures

Forearm Fracture Treatment in Kansas City, MO

The forearm is made up of two bones, the ulna and the radius. The ulna is longer and larger than the radius; together, these two bones give the forearm its rotational flexibility. It is more common to see fractures in the radius from falls with an outstretched arm, whereas the ulna seems to have the most injuries from a direct blow to the bone.

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Symptoms of Forearm Fractures

Symptoms of a broken bone include immediate pain, possible deformity (especially when the forearm bones are broken), swelling, bruising, the inability to rotate your hand, and on rare occasions, weakness or numbness in the wrist or fingers.

Treatment for Forearm Fractures

It is very important to reduce the mobility of the forearm if a fracture is suspected. Place it in a sling or splint immediately until an exam can be performed.

There are many different treatment options for a fractured forearm which include but are not limited to:

  • A cast for 6 to 8 weeks
  • Surgery to manipulate displaced bones and possibly use screws, pins, wire, and plates to hold the bones together
  • Physical therapy after surgery or casting is necessary to help strengthen and increase the mobility of the joints around the forearm

Typical treatment for broken bones includes an x-ray and cast. When orthopedic surgery is necessary, we have you covered at Orthopedic Health of Kansas City.

Prevention of Forearm Fracture

It can be hard to prevent broken bones due to the nature of having accidents occur sometimes. However, you can help reduce the risk of having a forearm fracture by:

  • Calcium and vitamin D intake and supplements if needed to help strengthen your bones
  • Wear protective sports equipment during sports activity, such as wrist and forearm guards
  • Participate in some weight-bearing physical activity to strengthen bones and muscles around the forearm to help support and protect

Forearm Fracture Doctors in Kansas City


If you have any of the symptoms mentioned above, please contact Orthopedic Health of Kansas City and make an appointment with one of our Kansas City arm and elbow specialists.