Our Team

Top Orthopedic Team in Kansas City, MO

Our Team at Orthopedic Health of Kansas City

At Orthopedic Health Of Kansas City, our team is dedicated to providing orthopedic care.

Our Doctors

Our Mid-Levels

Courtney Adams, PA-C

Amanda Bedwell, PA-C

Sydney Benoit, PA-C

Carlos Caldera, NP

Alissa Carney, PA-C

Katie Green, PA-C

Kelli Hummel, PA-C

Katie Johnson, NP

Alexa Krause, PA-C

Stephen Muhlbach, PA-C

Lacey Nelson, PA-C

Jake Spexarth, PA-C

Janese Surber, NP

Allison Williams, NP

Our Urgent Care Team

Kathleen Burton, PA-C

Kari Ebel, PA-C

Jenna Foiles, PA-C

Sarah Phillips, PA-C

Melaina Salmon, PA-C

Mackenzie Smith, PA-C

Holli Thornton, PA-C

Nikki Vogel, PA-C